
Nintendo Pushmo World

Nintendo 2014

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Main information

Release date 19.06.2014
Genre Platform, Puzzle, Strategy
Game mode Single player
Player perspective Third person, Side view
Platform Wii U
Rating IGDB 80.08
Rating count 9
Interface English, French, German, Italian, Spanish (Spain)
Nintendo Pushmo World

Expanding on the mind-bending puzzle challenges previously found only on Nintendo 3DS, this Wii U title offers a variety of challenges that can only be solved by manipulating a wall of 3D obstacles. Pushmo World finds players pushing, pulling and climbing blocks to solve a collection of more than 250 new puzzles. What separates Pushmo World from the other games in the series, besides the crisp and colorful HD graphics and original puzzles, is the addition of World Pushmo Fair, an in-game hub that gives players an easy way to share and download new puzzles.

In Pushmo World, players are tasked with solving three-dimensional block-based puzzles by moving blocks to climb to the top of structures. As the game progresses, the puzzles get larger and more complex, with some massive, screen-filling creations resembling familiar objects, animals and even classic Nintendo characters. Pushmo World introduces a collection of training levels that players can use to hone their puzzle-climbing skills. The game also features a time-rewind option that lets players undo mistakes. This forgiving feature rewards players for being smart thinkers, rather than forcing them to restart a complex puzzle for making a hasty move. Being stumped won’t stop the fun: If players are stuck on a particularly tough puzzle, they can skip ahead to the next one. In addition to the numerous puzzles included in the game, Pushmo World lets players create their own puzzles using a selection of tools in Pushmo Studio and share them with friends and others around the world.
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